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I’m a Georgia Peach with a little Tar Heel in me although I don’t really count that since I only lived in North Carolina for three years. I’ve actually spent most of my life living five minutes away from one of the largest pieces of exposed granite in the world, appropriately named Stone Mountain, Georgia.Smack dab in the middle of the suburbs, my family had just enough land to support some wildlife so our yard was always filled with pets: horses, dogs, cats, ducks, even a pig named Wilbur. I also have two younger sisters, Erin and Kristen, not to be confused with the previously mentioned pets. They are actually wonderful and talented. If you don’t know them, you should.


I’m a Bulldog as well and spent 4 years at the University of Georgia earning a degree in Spanish and Foreign Language Education. Spanish is a passion of mine that was first cultivated within me at the ripe old age of four when I learned the “Days of the Week” song, and ever since it’s been this thread that has run through my life. I absolutely love it. After graduation in May of 2006, I headed home for a summer and then off to Charlottesville, Virginia for 9 months of the Fellows Program through Trinity Presbyterian Church.While in Cville I got to live with the Kings (no relation) and became an honorary sibling to Ben, Hannah, Sarah and Jake. I love that family!


I was making plans to stay in Cville after the program ended in May when the TFP Director, Dennis Doran, presented me with the opportunity to spend the summer with Charles and Sarah Kaye in Nicaragua.Of course since the Kings were so amazing I immediately said “bleh” to that idea and continued looking for work in Cville.

A few weeks later I had a dream that I was crying in the Kings’ kitchen and saying, “I’m going to Nicaragua!” I thought, “weird dream,” brushed it off, and continued looking for a job in Cville. Finally, when I was at my wits end as far as the job search I decided to be daring. I prayed for an opportunity to come along that very week that the Lord would want me to take.That’s when Charles Kaye emailed me from Nicaragua and said, “Hey, why don’t you consider coming down here for the summer.”I gave in, realizing the Lord was giving me some major nudging, and I decided to look into it.

My heart changed and all of a sudden everything sounded great except financially.I didn’t have the money to pay for a plane ticket or cover my living expenses.That’s when I prayed, “Lord, if you want me there get me there.” Charles called an hour later to say, “Hey, let us pay for your plane ticket and cover all your living expenses.” I said count me in and the rest is history.


That is how the Lord led me so clearly and carefully to Nicaragua and he is continuing to lead me now as I walk into a commitment with AIM.I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and he’s getting me where I need to go.Pretty amazing if you ask me.