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Thoughts & Inspiration

I want to share with you a gift the Lord gave me this week.
In our women’s Bible Study (the English-speaking one we have with our FYM team) we’re in the middle of a Beth Moore study called Believing God.  This is the third Beth Moore I’ve participated in, and I can’t tell you how much there is to be gleaned from this woman’s insight and experience.
On Friday, we listened to her speak on one of the core tenets of the study:  “Believing God’s Word is Alive and Active in You.”
We explored the power of the spoken word; the fact that God didn’t think creation into being, he spoke it.   Because we are made in his image, His words may be omnipotent, but ours are potent.  This is why Jesus tells us, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matt. 17:20-21).  With Christ, faith plus words equals endless possibilities.
Later that day I happened to be sitting at a restaurant with some friends.  Glancing at the clouds rolling by we pondered how nice it would be if it rained.  We are, after all, in the middle of the dry season here in Nicaragua.  In response to a scoffing remark to the effect of “sure, like that’s actually gonna happen,” I retaliated, pointed up at the sky and said with authority, “If we look at that cloud and tell it to rain, it will rain.”  With that, I stood to go pay for my drink.
It was in this moment right before my eyes the sheet of water droplets began pouring down outside.  If my memory serves me correctly, I believe I threw my hands up in the air and shouted, “And it will rain baby!” right there in the middle of the café.
It didn’t rain long, although I spoke with my friend who was an hour away from Granada and a short rainfall had brushed her area as well at the same time.
The sporatic downpour was a gift.  And I believe the Lord was affirming me through it saying, “Yes Heather, that is exactly right.  You trust in Me to do that and much more.”
I don’t believe that just because we want something to happen we can just muster it into existence through our words.  We are not God and ultimately, whatever happens in nature and in our lives is up to Him.  But I believe He is eager to have us participate in His work, and speaking words out of the authority He has placed in us in Christ Jesus shows that we trust in Him to accomplish the thing.  If we don’t get what we want, it doesn’t necessarily mean our faith, or our God, is weak.  It means He is in control.  And that’s why the rain was such a gift.  I didn’t produce it, He did.  All I did was show Him I trusted in Him to do it.
We serve a good God.  Oh the beauty of the relationship open to us with Him.  It’s about mutual delight.  “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God”  (Isaiah 61:10).  “But you will be called Hephzibah…for the Lord will take delight in you…so will your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah 62:4,5b).  Our God delights in delighting us. 

Lord, thank you for delighting me!  You are so good!

4 responses to “And It Will Rain Baby!”

  1. AWESOME! Yes, Lord, you are able to more than we can ask or imagine! But thanks for showing yourself in the rain today!

  2. Hi Heather,
    WOW, that’s awesome!! God IS so good, and He does delight in us and delights in delighting us! 🙂
    That Beth Moore study is so good, I really enjoyed it, I love her 5 points:
    1. God is who He says he is
    2. God can do what he says he will do
    3. I am who God says I am
    4. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
    5. God’s Word is alive and living in me

    So happy that you are continuing to learn more and that you are growing deeper in your relationship with the Lord.

    Blessings to you, my friend,
    and BIG hugs,
    Laurel Sklenar

  3. Oh,girl…I’m thinking the Lord gave you the rain so you’d write about it so I’d read about it because your affirming words of faith and TRUST are just what I need THIS VERY MINUTE…Thank you and I love you!! Lynn S.