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So what’s new in Granada? For starters, our FYM team of 8 months is long gone, and now we’re preparing ourselves for the summer flow of interns, teams and trips. It’s been a surprisingly smooth transition for me (as one who doesn’t always welcome transition), and I gotta tell you, it must be a miracle because from the bottom of my heart there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
I suppose the scales finally fell from my eyes because I have found myself walking through the city wide-eyed at the beauty of this place. Maybe it’s because the beauty isn’t the first thing you notice here. Or because you have to choose to see it buried behind the filth and hopelessness. But now I appreciate things about
Granada that I never did before. I love the vividness of 
color in this city – that every structure radiates a
Finding the beauty during a two-      boldness that makes you feel as if you’re walking 
 day power outage                             through a rainbow. The rainy season has begun, and the
                                                            lightning is enough to make your jaw drop.  It’s this kind
of thing that keeps me going sometimes.   
I feel that the Lord is wooing me through this beauty. He’s getting into my heart. Sometimes I walk down the street thinking “I am enamored with you. Absolutely enamored.” This is our God we’re talking about! He’s wild. Don’t try to put him on a chain. Yet I feel like he’s after me, opening my eyes to the spectacular display of his sheer power and might. Why would I ever think anything is better than being in relationship with him? Nothing is. It’s all so fleeting and fading. Not him.

Right now I’m having to practice some patience. I’m in the process of looking for a place to live since Ger and Santhi are moving in July. Also, the status of my support is up in the air, and the temptation to worry about that and how it affects my future here in Nicaragua is certainly knocking on my door. Knocking on my door, but not coming in. I know how good the Lord has been to me, how much he has provided for me, and how much he wants me to trust him. It’s scary and exciting at the same time to be in a situation where that’s actually being tested. I’m learning to take risks – for instance on Monday I volunteered to speak for the first time at tonight’s Vida Joven club. Only 3 days of preparation to give a talk in Spanish to 70 kids. That is so unlike me! But I’m learning to step out in areas where I have to believe the Lord is going to catch me. 

Even in this house hunt I’ve had to prayerfully follow my gut and say no at times when I wanted to go ahead and settle on a place. It’s all about learning how to discern the Lord’s nudging. And I want to discern his nudging because I know how much I’ve screwed things up when I follow my own impulsive desires. I’m trying to balance an attitude of proactivity with Bob Marley’s philosophy: “Don’t worry about a thing. Every little thing’s gonna be alright.” And I think it will be, even if things don’t go my way. If the same God who put on that light show last night is in charge of my life, I believe I have good things to look forward to.