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Well I made it through my first Christmas and New Years out of the
country, and although I missed my family (especially my adorable nearly
year-old nephew Ezra), I was well taken care of by two of many
surrogate families I have been blessed to be a part of.
When I came to Nicaragua last May, I told my parents not to expect me home for Christmas.  I have visited twice since then (the first trip a joyous celebration at my friend Melissa’s wedding and the second a sorrowful time with family when my grandmother passed away.)  Come December I decided to stick to my original plan and do Christmas Nica-style.
In May I had no idea that I would be so involved with Young Life and certainly no inclination that by the end of the year we’d be taking kids to camp; but as I have been repeating to myself lately, “My times are in Your hands Lord,” and it’s so obvious that he had plans for my Christmas time that I never even would have considered 7 months ago.
I had planned to spend Christmas in Nicaragua for my own reasons and much later discovered that we were to leave for Young Life camp the 26th.   Who schedules a camp the day after Christmas?  I don’t know. What I do know is that the Lord intended for me to go and had much in store for me while I was there.
I have been in the process of Young Life (Vida Joven) training since last July, and I think it’s actually quite humorous (yet as it should be) that I am one of the only leaders in the whole country that isn’t Nicaraguan.  It’s hard enough as it is trying to fit in with teenagers.  Throw in a foreign language and culture, and you’re in for a real ride!  Nevertheless, I am feeling more and more comfortable in this role, and I’m so happy to be getting to know kids on a deeper level.
When we were at camp, we had some time as a group (leaders plus the 11 kids we brought from Granada) to share some of our life stories.   I sat there with my hands over my mouth and tears streaming down my face as our friend Yelba described some of the many disappointments in her life, the least of which included going through birthdays without one single acknowledgment from friends or family.
It was heart-breaking to hear some of these kids reveal their brokenness and yet incredible at the same time to cry with them and pray over them in the midst of their pain.   Now that we are back in Granada, Oneyda (the area director’s wife), and I have a plan of discipleship in place, and we want to regularly meet with these 6 girls as they continue to figure out what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.   In fact, I’m meeting with 3 of them today at 4:00.

Pray with me about how I might be a leader to these kids, especially with respect to communication.  Also, tomorrow (the 4th) I leave for camp again for a week of training. This time it will just be leaders, but I still have butterflies!  Thanks for all your support and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

4 responses to “Christmas Nica-Style”

  1. Hey Heather! Thanks for the update! We all miss you and love you! I’m glad to hear that the Lord is really working through you in Nica. Call anytime!


  2. It is so cool to hear of the path that the Lord had mapped out for you before you even went down there… reading about Young Life camp made me think of how perfect it is that YOU were the one to share with those girls, and how ready you are to be compassionate and to understand them in their trials. I am really glad you are there Heather, and pray that the Lord will bless you like the scripture in Isaiah 58: 10-11… that you will be like a well-watered garden spiritually, as you serve and help others. In Him, Bev

  3. Heather,
    Today is the first time I have read your blog and have loved all of the stories. What an amazing time you are having down there!!! You have such a servant heart and love for God’s people!! I can see you are a blessing to many
    Praying and thinking about you. Terri

  4. Hey Heather!

    I have really enjoyed keeping in touch with you through your blog. Thanks for all you are doing. I am soooo glad to hear your involved in YL there! I can’t wait to tell Bart (he probably already knows!!!) I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    I love you,

    Jill Green

    PS…Morgan is going to be a big sister in August!!!