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Here are some recent pictures from Vida Joven club and camp. We took 11 kids plus 3 Novas participants to camp last weekend. It was a blast! It was my ninth and last visit before I leave Nicaragua in May. I couldn’t have hoped for a better experience, and it was really meaningful spending that time with girls I’ve been getting to know over the course of a couple of years.

Vida Joven  c l u b
                  some gal leaders before club
                  Jimmy and Jairo breakin it down as usual
                 Pita and Carol waiting for the fun to start
Vida Joven  c a m p
                  Novas guys getting ready for cooler weather
                  Sometimes there are particularly bad smells in Niaragua.
                 Granada gals about to enter the Labyrinth
                Granadinos represent!
                Boys being boys…
                …and girls being girls!
               Scrumptious meals provided by the rockstars on work crew!

Stay tuned for information on our SECOND ANNUAL 5K FUN RUN to raise money for Vida Joven! This program has made such a difference in kids lives here in Granada, and we want to keep it afloat!  Our goal is to open a new club on the other side of town, and we’re hoping the money generated from this race will help jumpstart that effort.