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I love to sing. If you don’t know that about me, I guess you don’t know me very well.  I started playing the guitar in college so I could be like all those really cool girls who sit in coffee shops and entertain their friends with songs about stupid boys and pet fish.  I guess I wanted to be a Phoebe of sorts.  Ever since college, anytime I hear a girl play solo I get this longing inside that makes me wish I could be in her shoes.  Is that the inklings of passion?  I’ve always had a hard time figuring out what to say when people ask me what mine is.
    Singing in a concernt at Tres Mundos because a relentless man convinced me to   
                              Me and Osiris, the relentless man, before the show
The Lord has been stretching me in this area (the area of performing in
front of people) for a while, but until about a week ago I had yet to
step out and sing my own songs in public.  There’s a little restaurant
in town called Imagine, and the girls on my team had been nudging me to
ask about playing there some night. Actually, Ruth’s comment to me was
“You could totally do coffeeshops.”  That amuses me.
So I happened to be at Imagine recently and took the opportunity to ask the owner about playing there. He listened to one of my songs and said “well how about tomorrow?”  I said “okay” and went home to freak out.
The next day I struggled with some fear but prayed it through on my own and with some friends.  I even asked the Lord to take the cup from me and when a huge storm hit and the power went out, I thought for sure that I had a way out.  The outage was short-lived though, and I made it over to
Imagine in the torrential downpour to await my “coffeeshop” debut.
                      Waiting to play at Imagine – passing time with a camera
I sat in a backroom for a while playing through some songs and trying to keep myself from getting too nervous.  I mean it’s just a little restaurant for goodness sake, but even still, anxiety can creep in to any crack.  I told the Lord it was his night, to make me less and him more, and to be glorified.
I think he pretty much was. Why? Because I was enjoying myself doing what he created me to do.  I got to share my creativity with my friends and those other souls (bless their hearts) who sat and listened while they ate their dinner.  I got to share my heart, share Jesus, and have fun all at the same time.

Not saying I’ll be jumping up to do this kind of thing all the time, but the thrill of pushing yourself to do something out of your comfort zone is kind of a weird exhilaration.  It’s what keeps life exciting and helps you to grow.  So just one more thing off the list, you know? I’m officially a Phoebe, of sorts.  I even have a fan club. Love you my deucelets!

3 responses to “Coffeeshop Debut”

  1. Pretty great shows, Phoebe. The both of them. We should all be allowing ourselves to be pushed more. I found myself backing out of an opportunity like this yesterday when I even sensed that I might be pushed.

  2. I am in the fan club too! I hope you are still singing the Talitha Cum song — that’s my favorite!