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Thoughts & Inspiration

The Lord has been up to a lot this week. So much I don’t know if I can fit it into one blog.  So much that I don’t think a blog can even do it justice. I’ll try.
I had a moment a few weeks ago when I broke down because I realized I was jealous for the Lord’s love.  I had heard a moving story from a friend about everything the Lord has brought her through and revealed to her, and I wanted that. I wanted to experience him in that way, too.  The Lord had revealed to her a new name, the name “beloved,” and she knew with all her heart that this was her new identity.  I know we are all the object of his deep love, but I wanted more. I wanted the intimacy that she seemed to have.  Oh how he wants that with me as well.
So last week I was walking down the street singing to myself, “you give me love, love, love, love, crazy love” (I don’t care about looking like a crazy person.)  All of a sudden I looked down and there on the sidewalk in front of me were two freshly cut gerber daisies (well that’s what they looked like to me).  I love gerber daisies. It doesn’t even matter how they got there.  They were standing in my path at such the opportune moment – when I was singing about his love.
Around that time a friend gives me a verse (Zephaniah 3:17) and I read through it until the end of the chapter.  A couple of things stuck out to me, and I wrote them down in my journal.  The first was the statement, “I will deal with all who oppressed you.” How powerful is that?  The second sounded so romantic to me. The Lord says, “At that time I will gather you. At that time I will bring you home.  I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes.”  I was enamored by that promise and wrote it down.
Fast forward a little more to this week.  After recently going through a bought of intestinal issues and amoebas, I got sick again.  My friend “beloved” prayed over me, and the next day she said the Lord had revealed a lot of things to her.  I can’t go into all of it, but she said a few very important things.  Firstly, the Lord gave her this phrase for me, “you are beloved also.” (I had expressed to the Lord my desire for him to name me, too) Oh Lord.  The things you do.
She also gave me Jeremiah 29:11-14.  I read it later on, and it completely lined up with the Zephaniah passage. In both passages the Lord says he will “gather you” “bring you” and “restore your fortunes (or turn back your captivity in the KJV). Both of those passages were given to me at two separate times by two separate people.  The Lord is speaking here!  I realize he is saying “this is important Heather. PAY attention!”

These days I am just soaking in this stuff and the magnitude of what he is saying to me.  There is more to this story, so I’ll just have to do a “part two” to this story.  I can’t wait to share more of what the Lord has been speaking to me! 

2 responses to “Hearing from the Lord – Part 1”

  1. Incredible! So glad the Lord is taking you along this amazing journey with Him. I love how you give Him the credit for the things He does for you. So many times I just pass things off as coincidence or happenstance.

  2. Wow! I always read your blogs, but this one really caught my eye. I have come to a stagnant and dry area in my faith lately. What you said gave me hope that I can have an intimate realationship with the Lord as well. Thank you.