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About a year ago we hosted our first medical clinic at El Puente. I will never forget it because that week my life took a turn I had been avoiding for a long time, and those wonderful people from Charlottesville, VA helped walk me through it. I was so excited for the team to return this year, and it turned out to be one of the highlights of my time here thus far.
We held a four-day medical and optometry clinic for reading glasses, and my role was to translate for patients as they went through triage, spoke with the doctor, received their medicine, and conversed with health educators about good health habits.

For me, the week was hardly about pouring myself out, but rather being poured into by my friends from Virginia.  Some of my supporters happened to be on the team, and I had opportunities to sit down and have plenty of heart-to-heart conversations with them.  I was constantly surrounded by people who love the Lord deeply and who were genuinely interested in how I was doing on all different levels of life.  I cannot say how much of a blessing it was to share a week with these people!

Along with the adults on the medical side of the trip was Trinity Presbyterian’s youth group, and I had quality time with those guys as well.  That week I stayed at El Puente with them since Geralyn, Santhi and I had already moved out of our house.  (Now I’m settled in my new place and loving it.)


Unlike the stress and sorrow of last year’s trip, I felt so fully alive this year and had such a good experience, especially because I had the privilege of translating for some of my dearest Nicaraguan friends.
The official two-year mark of my commitment here is May 17th of next year, but I am already planning on staying through July for the principal reason of being a part of this annual medical clinic.
Thanks to all of you who participated in this trip!  I miss you!