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In the kitchen yesterday morning a cockroach in the sink startled me.  When Trevor tried to take it out by the antenna to dispose of it, he “accidentally” lost his grip and the roach jumped on my hand. My natural reaction was a blood-curdling scream.
Jessica sautéed some onions and potatoes, and we sat around the table drinking coffee, wondering why Amber’s tasted like a skunk.
We talked about those pesky pigeons that used to always poop on the table during meals and how some friends of ours who will remain nameless once tried to beat them to death in the rafters with a duster. 
I said I would miss them (not the pigeons but the Novas team) because it’s this kind of thing that I have come to love about living at El Puente – sitting together and laughing at our stories, sharing a common disdain for the grosser sides of El Puente but being able to have a sense of humor about it, starting off our morning bumping into one another in the kitchen as we wait for water to trickle out of the faucet so we can make coffee. 
                                                        me and the Novas chicas
For the past four months these guys have been more to me than participants on an AIM trip. They’ve been roommates, friends, and encouragers. They’ve challenged me in the way they seek to serve and pour themselves out in the community of Granada and within their own as well.
I guess this is the kind of thing that starts happening with me when I only have two and a half weeks left – the nostalgia starts kicking in and I realize what a gift the people around me are and how much I will miss them when we go our separate ways. I’d rather it be that way than counting down the days though. If I do count them down, its only because I’m sorry to see them go by.
So here we go…17 days left of listening to each other sing in the shower, riding bikes Nica-style and sweating a liter of water in the process, talking quite openly about virtually all bodily functions, eating together, laughing together, mourning together, growing together. 

I’m up for a rude awakening in a couple of weeks as I bounce back to the States and then to Israel.  I’m excited, nervous and half ready for a new door to open, but wanting to soak in all I can here at the same time – even if that involves roaches in the sink for the time being. Bring it!

3 responses to “Just Another Morning…”

    • I don’t know what kind of a mean person would want to smash pigeons… what an awful thing!

      I’ll call this picture “The picture brown”.

  1. TWO AND A HALF WEEKS?!?!?! wow.

    in other el puente related news…i took a bubble bath tonight and thought of you.
    praying for you and the team and your last days!! love you!!