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Well I’ve been back in Granada since January 4th, and it’s just been a roller coaster ride since then – in a good way, but definitely constant movement.  The Novas Project Team is in full swing, and I’ve had a lot of fun getting to know the seven of them. They are all involved in different ministries here; so on that level my life mainly intersects those of the team who are involved with Young life. In general, this is how my time is spent right now: being available for the girls on the Novas team, spending one-on-one time with them, etc. etc., leading Young Life, and a plethora of other activities essentially related to that.  Basically all things relational…
Speaking of Young Life, the area director and his wife (Yener and Oneyda) just had a baby.  When I came back after Christmas he asked me if I would take charge of everything for a couple of weeks while he and Oneyda got used to being parents.  I said yes, knowing it was an opportunity for me to step up for a short while and serve not only the kids I know in Young Life, but especially Yener and Oneyda.  By the way, you can pray for Oneyda.  The wound from her cesarean got infected, and she’s been in the hospital for a week.  She’s doing better but is still on the road to recovery. 
Last week was our first week of Young Life stuff after a month-long break for the holidays.  While teaching John 17 in the Bible Study on Wednesday was fine (oh how I admire the one who can keep a teenager’s attention), club on Thursday was awesome.  Not necessarily at first glance because the mp3 player froze, we were scrambling at the last minute to finish overlooked details, and a good deal of the games just flopped.  Nevertheless, kids laughed and enjoyed themselves.  And when I stood up to give the talk I was excited, not terrified, the kids were dead silent at just the moments when you would hope they’d be, and when they looked me in the eye it felt like I was actually talking to them, not at them.  For me it felt like the best part of club in the sense that it went exactly the way you’d want it to go.  I never thought I’d see the day when standing in front of all those guys would be a joy and not a dread.  That’s gotta be some sort of a miracle. 
In other news, the Lord is deepening friendships in my life here, both with gringos and Nicas alike, and it’s been a blessing to have people around like my friend Bekah (on AIM staff here with her husband Frank).  It’s the Lord’s mercy to have another gal who I can bare my heart and soul to.  There is another missionary family (the Todds) who I am getting to know as well.  They have two young girls, and I’m actually on call in the next week or so to take care of them when Rachael gives birth to her third!  I’m at their house this moment, and I prayed with their three year-old before she went to sleep. She said, “thank you for Jesus, and my Heather and my mommy and daddy.”  That is just so sweet. 

Well that is basically where I am at this moment. Lots of Young Life, lots of walking out life with the Novas team, some translating at conferences/singing at worship services here and there. You know, normal life as a missionary. It’s all good. Yet the result is at 8:33 on a Sunday night I am desperately tired. Last week was a marathon week; I think this one will be a lighter load.  I’m just thankful for all the opportunities to finish out this race strong! Thanks for praying with me to do that well and that I’d only carry the burdens I need to carry. There’s more I wish I could say, but I’ve exhausted my space.  The Lord is doing so much it’s ridiculous and I’ve only just spelled out my time slots. Oh well. More for next time. Besitos, h

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