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So the title of this blog is how I felt about a week and two days ago exactly. I thought last Wednesday night, “my cup runneth over, I should write a blog about that.” And I would have sooner except for the fact that Nicaragua swallowed the camera cord to load my pics, and I couldn’t possibly write about my cup running over without the shot of the Kayes and me at La Gran Francia.
To celebrate the closing of this particular chapter in our lives, the Kayes took me out to dinner and we discussed all the ways we’ve seen each other grow over the past three years.  (Remember I lived with them in 2007 for three months…) It was a bittersweet moment for me that I will always treasure, but the best part was when Sarah presented me with the first-ever paper-beaded necklace as a gift. It was significant not only because of the involvement I’ve had with her in the jicaro and bead projects, but because she made it especially for me! I could have cried. And I did very much so in the couple of days that followed.
                   The best picture I have of the Kayes: Sarah and Willa show their teeth.
As if my moments with the Kayes weren’t sweet enough, I returned to El Puente where Young Life’s Bible Study was just ending and they presented me with a wooden plaque with all of the leaders’ names on it. I’m not sure what I’ll do with that. Someone suggested serving cheese on it. Whatever the case though, I will always look at it with warmness in my heart!
                    Young Life girls presenting me with a plaque of the leaders’ names.
The night after that was my last. I took the redeye, so I was able to have a final dinner with the Novas team (who left a few days after I did) and have many tearful goodbyes right before I left for the airport.  It was completely surreal. (And yet now so real as I am sitting here at my parents’ house looking at the mess I have to pack up in order to leave for Israel on SUNDAY.)
The Kayes plus Baker and Seth dropped me off of the airport. They all stood in the check-in line with me; it was like the freakin’ Brady Bunch…but I felt oh so blessed to have them there.
Charles was so distraught with my leaving I had to wheel him to security. 
Haha, just kidding, but he was still a bit distraught. 🙂
                                 The final goodbye before going through security. 🙁
So here I am. At the end and the beginning. The end of two incredible years of growth, testing, and building relationships with people I will always love. The beginning of the unknown, the new and exciting adventures to come. Thank you for being a part of this adventure with me. I am blessed beyond measure to have had so many people behind me praying and supporting me financially. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
I don’t plan on keeping up this blog, but I do want to keep updating you all on my life, so I am starting a new blog at I have a small obsession with changing the background on it. I will try to let it be though, especially once I know people are reading it. 🙂
Love you all! 

2 responses to “My Cup Runneth Over”

  1. Hi Heather,

    We’ve loved hearing about all of your adventures over the past 2 years, and I just can’t tell you how proud I am of you! I’d love to talk if you get a chance before you fly over to Israel on Sunday. Email me and let me know when a good time might be.

    Much love!
    Laura Susan (and Springer too)

  2. Ha! Just realized that Sunday probably meant yesterday.

    Blessings on your travels!

    Laura Susan