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                 Vida Joven Club - Student Night!
                                        Vida Joven Club – Student Night!

Things seem to be really taking off for us in Granada on the Vida Joven front. We now have around 80 kids regularly attending our Thursday night club, and many of them are digging even deeper by also attending a Wednesday night Bible Study where we are currently studying the book of John. Additionally, a handful of kids are giving back to the community by working with special needs kids at an establishment called Corazon Contento (Happy Heart). 

                      Elsa, a Vida Joven participant, volunteering at Corazon Contento
               Elsa, a Vida Joven participant, volunteering at Corazon Contento.
Since February we’ve had a few highlights: visiting a committee member’s farm for a day, traveling to camp (one being a follow-up to our December camp and the other a weekend soccer camp for boys) and finally, inaugurating our weekly club at El Puente with an all out fiesta.

                 Yelba kissing a fish during our day at the farm
                              Yelba kissing a fish during our day at the farm.
                 Vida Joven Inaugural Club
                                            Our Inaugural Vida Joven Club

The community is starting to catch on that Vida Joven is facilitating the transformation of lives in Granada, but our funds for the year are waning. Vida Joven has existed in Nicaragua for about 20 years and is largely funded by donations from the U.S., but we still have a significant gap to close if the program is to continue in this city.  

For this reason, it was the vision of one of our Awakening Team members to hold a 5K Fun Run in Granada in order to raise funds for Vida Joven.  If you’d like more information on the race, the following link will direct you to an explanation of the event in addition to sponsorship options:  Vida Joven 5K Fun Run – Sponsorship Options

The race will be held on April 25th and consists of two courses, a 5K and a 2.5K that run throughout Granada. We’re hoping that through the race we will not only raise funds, but also raise awareness throughout Granada as to what a wonderful job Vida Joven is doing at reaching at risk kids in this city. 

I’ll be excited to report back about the success of the race!