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Last Saturday we held our Second Annual 5K Fun Run for Vida Joven.  It seems like the past two and a half months have been building to this point, and it finally culminated to a successful event!
Over two hundred kids and adults participated in the race, and a few dozen Vida Joven volunteers from Granada, Managua and Matagalpa helped make everything run as smooth as Nicaly possible.  The first, second and third place runners in each category were rewarded the cutest hand-made medallions ever, and as a grand prize our friend Baker’s bike rental shop, Bicimaximo, donated a Bici bike.
On Friday, we held a rally in the park to promote the race and help generate funds for Vida Joven through food sales and donations.  Little did we know a huge band stage would be set up right next to our location, and when we arrived to set-up, the music was absolutely blaring. Maybe it helped us draw a crowd though because by the time the band finished playing, it seemed like a few hundred people were gathered around to watch the Vida Joven kids put on club. It was fantastic!
Despite bumps in the road (maybe literally and figuratively both) as we gringos were constantly reminded of the Nica twilight zone that tends to happen around here, a good time was had by all.  I’m so thankful for how smooth it went in comparison to last year. Thank you for all your prayers!
Rally in the park on Friday night
2.5K runners ready to start!

3 responses to “We made it to the RACE!”

  1. Whew, I had no idea this was happening until the day of when JD posted something on my wall. I remember vividly walking around the city in the blazing heat and having the “Nicca” ways suck the life out of me as we all organized the 5k last year…and I will never forget those famous meetings at the school with you translating and us all getting made fun of the whole time (esp. Pepe). I cant explain how glad it makes me that you went through it all…and now again…holy schmokes! I remember how God carried me last year…and how the Holy Spirit worked to prepare givers of money, prizes, time, energy and it sounds like he remained faithful this year. And over 200 kids(!?!?!?!!?!), did they close the roads off this year or was it every man woman and child for themselves against traffic?
    I am sooooooo glad to read “I am so thankful for how smooth it went in comparison to last year”–God is so good, seriously. I’ll pray the funds roll in!
    It is also great to see the bead-making stuff going on at the Puente…how much time do you have left?

  2. that so awesome that you guys had the race again! Its such a blessing and answer to prayer to see God’s work being carried out in Granada and that vida joven is thriving! All praise to God!

    Your awesome Heather and thanks for your devotion to do the good work of the Lord. I love you!


  3. Wow- just heard the news that the 5K run was a blessing. I am sorry that we hadn’t heard earlier- we would have been praying. I remember being there last year and feeling 100 was plenty- 200 -you must have been exhausted by the end of it! I praise God for the work you continue to do – we hope to make it to Granada in August with a group from our church. In the meantime- God’s blessings on you. I will make my donation – a little late but use it for God’s glory!